About Us

The Memorial Partnership was formed as a result of a collaboration between Gary Green Memorials and numerous other Monumental Masons and Funeral Directors in the South East of England. Gary Green Memorials provides the factory and infrastructure to enable their partners to offer clients quality memorials and still maintain the personal touch.

As Members of the National Association of Memorial Masons (NAMM) you can be confident that everything will be to your satisfaction. NAMM members are bound by a strict Code of Business and Working Practice. Members must have public & product liability insurance of no less than £5 million and must also give a guarantee of the stability of the memorial.

With a heritage going back to the 1940s, The Memorial Partnership utilises the latest technology combined with the finest materials and good old-fashioned values to produce memorials of true distinction.

We understand the emotional anguish that can be associated with choosing a memorial and our goal is to ensure that the process is as simple and as stress free as possible. We are with you every step of the way to ensure that the finished product is a fitting and lasting tribute to be proud of.